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Widget #CS0055

Create a function that returns multiple values. VB.Net


VB 6.0, VB.NET
Using Structures or Types

'VB 6.0 Create a Type to store your values in
Public Type vbTwoDates
m_StartDate As Date
m_EndDate As Date
End Type

'Function to return the multiple values
Function GetDates(ByVal dtValue As Date) As vbTwoDates
'Pass values to the Members of the GetDates function declared as Type vbTwoDates
GetDates.m_StartDate = dtValue - 3
GetDates.m_EndDate = dtValue + 3
End Function

Public Sub ShowDates()
'declare a variable of the Type vbTwoDates
Dim dtTwoDays As vbTwoDates
'Fill the variable declared as vbTwoDates using the function
dtTwoDays = GetDates(Date())
'display the values
MsgBox dtTwoDays.m_StartDate & " to " & dtTwoDays.m_EndDate
End Sub

'VB.NET Create a Structure to store your values in

Public Structure vbTwoDates

Public m_StartDate As System.DateTime

Public m_EndDate As System.DateTime

End Structure

'Function to return the multiple values

Function GetDates(ByVal dtValue As System.DateTime) As vbTwoDates

'Pass values to the Members of the GetDates function declared as Type vbTwoDates

Dim Duration As System.TimeSpan

Duration = New System.TimeSpan(3, 0, 0, 0, 0)

GetDates.m_StartDate = dtValue.Subtract(Duration)

GetDates.m_EndDate = dtValue.Add(Duration)

End Function

Public Sub ShowDates()

'declare a variable of the Type vbTwoDates

Dim dtTwoDays As vbTwoDates

'Fill the variable declared as vbTwoDates using the function

dtTwoDays = GetDates(System.DateTime.Today)

'display the values

MsgBox(dtTwoDays.m_StartDate.ToString & " to " & dtTwoDays.m_EndDate.ToString)

End Sub

Last Updated: 4/27/2018

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