Online Source Code Library: C#, ASP, ASP.NET, VB, VB.NET, VB Script, Microsoft Access, Excel, JavaScript, J Script, XML, VBScript, Website Design, DevExpress Components, Reporting, Application and Website Templates.
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CS0001 - Universal Navigation Buttons (Microsoft® Access)
CS0002 - Adding a Default value of zero in a lookup Query (SQL Server)
CS0006 - ShoppingCart.NET Class (C#.Net)
CS0009 - ProperCase Function VB 6.0
CS0012 - Email Cloaking - Spam Prevention
CS0013 - Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.7.1
CS0028 - Hierarchial N-Tier Recursive Data Structure, Microsoft® Access MDB and ACCDB
CS0035 - Alternate row colors on reports with Microsoft Access 2000-2016
CS0036 - Microsoft Access Monthly Calendar Report (ACCDB)
CS0037 - Microsoft Access Monthly Calendar Report (MDB)
CS0039 - Real Time Clock (Javascript)
CS0040 - Add Sounds to button events. ASP.NET
CS0042 - Create a Session Database Connection through code (ASP.NET)
CS0043 - Age Function VB.Net using DateDiff()
CS0046 - Countries Dropdown Combo (240)
CS0047 - Regions Dropdown Combo (65) Canada & US
CS0050 - ShoppingCart WebUserControl (VB.NET 3.5 & 4.5)
CS0051 - Send Email Using SMTP Mail (ASP.NET, VB.Net)
CS0052 - ShoppingCart WebUserControl (C#.NET 3.5 & 4.5)
CS0055 - Create a function that returns multiple values. VB.Net
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