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Widget #CS0065
Centralized OpenReport Function for Microsoft Access 2000-2016
Public Function OpenReport(ReportName As String, Optional Criteria As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrHandler Dim ReportMode As Integer '<Prompt> If MsgBox("Would you like to preview this report?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then ReportMode = acViewPreview Else ReportMode = acNormal '</Prompt> '<DoReport> If Criteria = "" Then DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName, ReportMode Else DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName, ReportMode, , Criteria End If OpenReport = True '</DoReport> Exit Function ErrHandler: '<ErrorHandler> DoCmd.Echo True, "Unable to run report" OpenReport = False '</ErrorHandler> End Function
Last Updated: 4/27/2018
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